Monday, June 17, 2013

Mid June afternoon

Thunder rolls around us,,ya know the crackling rolling across the sky kind.

The dogs are all hiding around the house out away from the sound as if it would hunt them  down and get them.
The morning was beautiful here on the farm,, the sun shone and the wind was just  a gentle breeze.
 i did mange to get floors scrub down pretty well before the rain got here. Now to actually have it dry with the humidity we have.

Guessing  a laundry will wait til after the storm passes,, now need to be struck by lighten hanging up under britches.
Trying to figure out what is going to be for supper.  Thought tonight would be a great night for fasting,, idea didnt go over

Many changes on the farm this spring. Many baby goats were born and all but 1 were sold. many adult does have new homes,, everyone is happy happy happy.

Next week is Lilianna birthday already,, a big #2

Almost time to start haying again,,cant wait. I do enjoy haying.

We are raising meat birds this year,, and lots of baby chicks to replace the older laying hens for next year.
One more effort to buy less at the store

Gardens have been an issue with all the rain we have had. Just might get it in these week,, little late is better  than never.

Trying my hand at making yogurt this year,, not working so well for me,,, guess i need some one to show me.  Better at hands on  than just reading.

I suppose i should figure out suppers issue and get busy,looks like my floors have dried enough to walk on.

Have an awesome day

God Bless

simple farm girl

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