Monday, January 25, 2010

Good Monday Morning

Well let see if you live any where on the Eastern sea board, your wet this morning. The temps are rising but the rain is coming down. We are suppose to get inches of rain today. Now see this rain would be welcome if it were May and we were planting. But here in NH we have feets of snow on the ground and rain on top make it so Donna falls down alot.
If I had a pair of ice skates and was 30 yrs younger I could have a blast out there, I would own my skating rink. Known also as my driveway. Rob just left I didnt take the truck today i dont feel like having a accident. School has a 2 hr delay and Nicks day program was also delayed.

From the front window this morning all we see is ran and ice, although Bob does have his head over the gate and Lucy is standing in the rain. Chores wont take long today, there wont be any fooling around outside playing and just taking my time.

from the Sewing Bin today I have to fix a couple pair of pants and from the Craft Bin I will be working on the purple afghan. Not sure what else I will get done today.

Thats about it from here at least for now. If something comes up you'll be the second to know.
Have a Blessed day