Yesterday the first sight of snow flakes were seen..NOT ready.... Ok usually never ready and every year we say the same thing knowing every year at this time it gets colder..
Animals are all getting their winter coats. Leaves are falling off the trees and making the patch work colors that were seen on trees now make the ground a beautiful rust and orange colors. I don't rake leaves,, I think they are beautiful.. Gardens have gone by, all plants are pulled up and vegetables stored, canned, dried and preserved. meat birds have been processed and tomatoes, carrots, eggs have all been canned.
So some things are ready,, wood pile isn't up to quota yet. But husband will bring the next 8 cords shortly. We have plenty of wood for the kitchen cook stove. So no worries.
Looking out my front door the sun is shinning thru the glass casting a warm glow across the floor. All the dogs are struggling to lay in the warmest spot in the sun.
Heading out shortly do chores and check on the new kittens who are residing in the barn.
Hoping to sell a few ducks today and more laying hens.. Cutting back on a few animals for winter, making my chores a bit easier for winter.
My mom has moved in with us and resides in the basement. We have made a small apartment area for her so she has her own space.
We have been doing a lot of baking for the farm stand and it has gone over wonderfully. We are making bread today and I am doing fudge and cup cakes.
I suppose I need to get busy and go wash eggs, do chores, get laundry started for Nicholas and get baking under way.
I hope you al have an awesome weekend
God Bless
The simple farm girl
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