Monday, March 8, 2010

Glorious Day

The Boys Sunday afternoon in the top pasture enjoying the sun.
Isn't it amazing how sun can change ones attitude towards
everything. With all the Snow and storm we had last month I was
really getting cabin fever which isnt odd for this time of year just
odd for me. But in the past week the weather has warmed
everything up, the sun has just been so wonderful and as I watch
the snow melt I look forward to spring. I am excited about warm
weather. Looking so forward to getting my hand in dirt. No
manicured nails for this kid, down right dirt and callouses from racks and shovel handles and axes oh dont forget my favorite splitting wood.. Getting Anthony outside and watching him play for the first time in the dirt and feel grass and watch the face. Simple pleasures. Have ideas for a split rail fence along my driveway and having sunflowers and wild flowers grow along it Now to convince Rob NOT to plow it over in winter time. I want a hitching post out front, something i have always wanted hitching post and water trough, just like the old days. Of course I dont have many people pull into my driveway on horse but hey ya never know. I cant wait to see my farmers porch on the fronts with morning glories growing up the front, wont that be beautiful as the morning progresses to see the flowers open up and by afternoon the fade away til the next day. Lots of vegetables to plant and berry bush i want to put in. Lots of stuff I have plans for now I just need the snow to GOOOOOOOO BYE BYE.

Not sure what we are having for supper, last night we did have fried chicken and home made french fries, pineapple upside down cake for dessert.
Well today is to nice of a day to sit here so i believe I will take my grandson and go out side and enjoy our animals. You all have a Blessed day and enjoy Life to the fullest and dont forget the simple things in life can bring you the greatest pleasures

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