Sunday, April 10, 2011

Another Glorious Sunday Morning

Good Morning from Mt. Cardigan. What a glorious day this is. The sun is already showing its splendor and warmth. Chances of showers later but for now its great. I just enjoyed my first coffee of the day sitting on the porch. Hair a mess, flannel jammies and barefoot. What better way to enjoy a country morning  with a hot coffee and kritters abound. The day its its natural beauty.
The kritters are out and about. I just enjoy watching them first thing in the morning as they wake up to a new day. The energy the kids have and how they twist and prance around. As if that chunk of wood or bucket was put right there for them to play on. Natures play ground.
The new roosters are announcing to the whole yard its time to get up sleepy heads. Stop wasting such a wonderful day. I have missed having no roosters. Am blessed to have 5 now. Its funny to hear the difference in the crowing, from the little tiny bantams just learning to crow to the big boy who struts around like this is his barn yard.
Sitting on the porch I was greeted by several different cats who had to wish a good morning to Amelia and Uma and Ralphy (who doesn't come to close but still comes with the girls), and Abby and Blackie. My heart goes out to Bobby and Onyx as their momma went to visit another farm yesterday to help with milk for a need kid. They are prancing around crying for her til something else catches their eye to go and  be involved in.
Looking at Miss Abby, she needs to be milked today and what better day to start. Its nice out and  it will give us time together.
Watching all the chickens just out and about this morning , love the scratching and pecking they do, looking for that special treat. Right now Bobby the little goat is trying to  drink from the water tub, guess i better fill a shorter one today also the little guys are having a hard time reaching the water once it goes down a little bit, and they need all the water they can get now momma isn't here.
Can see Dot and Lucy this morning now, Dot still hasn't had her calf, my luck she will wait til it starts raining. She is showing all signs of being due any day. I am sure Lucy wont be far behind her.

More yard work to do today. More laundry to hang on the line. Opening up the house again once its a little bit warmer outside. Letting the fresh air in and kicking this cold,flu nasty bug out of this house. It was nice to  have the new air  yesterday. Have to get the rest of the baby gate from down by the rabbit pens to block off the doors so the goats don't come in, but the doors can be opened.
Looking  out towards the goat barn I see all the goats who are in the barn are waiting for the door to be opened, surprised Andy hasn't  banged it enough times to open it.
Moving rabbits outside today also. Getting as many animals outside as possible so I can clean the basement out. Good place for the bowflex to go and I can have my  living room back.

Sitting here waiting for the bacon to finish defrosting making bacon and eggs for breakfast, toast and coffee. Rob is waiting for me to get done typing so he can  go thru craiglist and see what wonderful special might be out there today.

I hope you get a chance to go out and enjoy the day.

God Bless