Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Busy Few Days

been busy the past couple days here. The rain finally stopped. yesterday after chores and doing what i could here was spent taking Anthony to the doctors for his check ups. Our kids are on vacation this week also so tomorrow will be spent getting Deanna and have time with her. Today is my day i head to Lebanon to see about some new teeth. i have had enough pain. Just found out thru Spell check theres no D in Lebanon.The sun is out great to bad the day is going to be spent in the car but it needs to be done. tonight is the Rabies clinic at the Fire dept. and Tomorrow night is planning board meeting and Thursday night is Ole home day meeting. Its that time of yr.
My baby bunnies should be born next week. My new goat has a name its Andy. Now we need a Annie, and Daisy needs a Donald. Went and got another load of bread yesterday ,, boy if could ever find pigs I have the food supply stocking up. Have arranged to have a huge garden with Rob's bosses family, this will save me having a bunch of smaller ones. What the families dont use will go to the farmers markets. Well wanted to just check in I will write more when I am back today,, time to get busy need to be ready to go by 9:30..appointment is at 11:45. have a super great day