Tuesday, April 13, 2010


MIGHTY CHILLY here this morning.Trying to type this one handed this morning, since I have a child in my arms who just wants gramma to snuggle him. Trying to keep him covered up its chilly in here this morning also we are at 55.4 in the house. Going to be making donuts to take down to the Ladys group for 10. Need to warm it up in here, I am out of wood that i can split. I will go around today outside and pick up a bunch of down branches and such to burn in the wood furnace. Have to remember it is still only April. We still could get snow. I need to go clean the rental today and have it ready for the next renters, have to make sure to bring Anthony's walker so he can move around and I wont have to hold him as I try to make beds.
Worked on combing out Daisy again last night, poor goat has a tu-tu this morning and a shawl. I will get more down this after noon. Not sure what i am suppose to do with it other than save it, one goat doesnt make alot. It is pretty, her new hair is black and white, the stuff I am taking off is soft tan and brown.

Really not much to write about til I get warmer weather and can do stuff outside. But for now you all have a wonderful day I hear its TIME TO MAKE THE DONUTS